The second volume of the De Gruyter Series in Measurement Science (DGSM) „Metrological Infrastructure“is now available

The second volume of the De Gruyter Series in Measuring Science (DGSM) „Dynamic Measuring Systems“. This book, edited by Sascha Eichstaedt, is now available (https.//

The monograph contains chapters by S. Eichstaedt and M. Gruber on the Fundamentals of dynamic measurement analysis, by M. Gruber, S. Eichstaedt, and C. Elster on Modelling dynamic measurements in metrology and propagation of uncertainties, from Th. Bruns, L. Klaus, and M. Kobusch on Traceable calibration for the dynamic measurement of mechanical quantities, from Wilkens and M. Weber on Traceable measurements with dynamically calibrated hydrophones and S. Eichstaedt on Dynamic measurement analysis and the internet of things. It should be mentioned that at least four more monographs in the DGSM Series are currently in preparation.

Klaus Dieter Sommer and Thomas Froehlich, Series Editors.